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Korea Tourism Organization/Seoul

[Korea Tour Guide] Seoul - Geumseonsa Temple Stay (금선사 산사체험)


Bukhansan, officially designated a national park, is the highest mountain in the Seoul area. Beloved not only for its unique urban location, the mountain is also treasured for its natural beauty and cultural assets. Also known as Samgaksan (meaning “Triangle Mountain”), Bukhansan has three major peaks: Baegundae (the main peak), Insubong to the north, and Mangyeongdae to the south.

One of the most prized cultural assets on the mountain is Geumseonsa, a Buddhist temple located along the hiking path to Bibong (one of the lesser mountain peaks). The temple was established by Great Monk Jacho (penname ‘Muhak’) who lived from 1327 (late Goryeo period) to 1405 (early Joseon period).

One day when Monk Jacho was out searching for a suitable place to establish the capital of the new Joseon dynasty, he came across a plot of land and was immediately struck by a strange and sacred energy. Recognizing that the land was full of the energy of Buddha himself, the monk set about the establishment of Geumseonsa Temple.

Even today, Geumseonsa is known as a place of miracles and legends. One of the more famous tales is of Monk Nongsan, who trained and meditated at Geumseonsa and was later said to have been reincarnated as King Sunjo of the Joseon Dynasty.

Geumseonsa Temple, which is located at the foot of Samgaksan (Bukhansan) Mountain, is within easy access from downtown Seoul. The temple is placed in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountain rocks and green pine forest. Geumseonsa Temple offers three types of temple stay: quality rest, Buddhist cultural experience, and temple life.

Experience Information: Program Details

 1. Experience Program (weekends)
 Doryangseok (morning waking up chant), Morning Yebul (the morning Buddhist ceremony), Chamseon (Zen meditation), Baru Gongyang (formal monastic meal), Wullyeok (working together, making joint efforts), Dadam with monks (talking with monks over a cup of tea), Bukhansan Mt. trekking (making lotus lantern in case of rain), Hoehyangsik (closing ceremony), Ipjae (cleansing body and mind) & guide, Doryang guide, Yebul statement / Banya Production ceremony, Evening Gongyang (evening service), Evening Yebul, 108 prostration, meditation & Pohaeng (walking slowly in meditation)

 2. Quality Rest Program (weekdays)
 Morning Yebul, Free Meditation, Morning Gongyang, Sasi Yebul, Lunch Gongyang, Ipjae & Free Meditation, Evening Gongyang, Evening Yebul, Free MeditationQuality Rest Program focuses on the relaxation and the quality time of your own.If you want to have a talk with a monk over a cup of tea, please let the temple know in advance.

 3. Temple Life
 Unlike other Temple Stay programs which are scheduled more than a day, the Temple Life program is rather short and concise. For about three hours, participants visit a temple and take part in a couple of programs, which you may choose out of a wide selection of programs ranging from temple tour, Chamseon (Zen meditation), 108 prostrations, talk with a monk over a cup of tea, making lotus lantern and so forth.
 If you wish to join the program, please call in advance for schedule setting and program selection.
* Temple Stay Secretariat: + 82-2-395-9955

 4. Time for Temple Stay
 It is highly recommended that you are present by 15: 00-15: 30. Temple Stay is a 24 hour program, thus you may leave the temple after the lunch on the second day.

 5. Shower accessories, towel, pajamas, a change of clothes and walking shoes, personal cup should be prepared.
 * It's cold in the morning and evening times.
 Please bring T-shirt and cardigan or coat, muffler, participants can put the training uniform on.
 * Do not bring any valuables.

Contact and Information: • 1330 Travel Hotline: + 82-2-1330
  (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

• For more info: + 82-2-395-9911,
+ 82-2-395-9955, + 82-70-4242-9913

Day off: N / A (open all year round)

Experience Information: [Geumseonsa Temple Stay]

  Retreat Program (Less formal) / Experiential Program / Customized Program

  ※ Please refer to home page for more details.


Parking: Available
